Twisted Paths and Rebel Souls

A twisted road,
A rebellious journey,
A challenging code,
Towards life’s tourney

With shadows lurking,
In depths unknown,
I wander boldly,
My spirit not yet prone.

Through winding valleys,
And treacherous heights,
I embrace the unknown,
With fierce delight.

Challenges aplenty,
Like puzzles to unravel,
Each step a test,
In this grand life’s battle.

Yet I march forward,
With unwavering stride,
For within this journey,
I find strength to confide.

The road may be twisted,
But I am not deterred,
In every twist and turn,
A lesson is learned.

Rebellion fuels my spirit,
As I break free from the mold,
Unveiling my true self,
With stories yet untold.

For life’s code is complex,
A riddle to decipher,
But I am determined,
To find the answers I aspire.

Through victories and setbacks,
I sharpen my resolve,
Growing wiser and bolder,
As I continue to evolve.

In life’s grand tourney,
I shall not be dismayed,
For it is the journey itself,
That molds me unafraid.

So onward I travel,
With heart and mind aglow,
Embracing every moment,
As life’s tapestry I sew.

A twisted road it may be,
But I am undeterred,
For this rebellious journey,
Is where my soul is stirred.

© Yelim

Twisted Paths and Rebel Souls on Writco


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